Florian Puchert was born in Regensburg in 1981. He began his film career as an editor and junior producer. He has been working successfully as a freelance screenwriter, director and dramaturge since 2008. He has been an honorary professor of creative writing at the University of Television and Film in Munich since 2018.
Interview with Flo
What do you like most about being a screenwriter?
Inventing stories still fascinates me and I find it extremely exciting. You could invent stories in different contexts and sometimes I do. But my great passion is movies and series. I also love watching movies and series. So of course it’s fantastic for me to work in this area myself and invent stories. I find exploring worlds, discovering characters and bringing figures to life extremely appealing.
Why do you reveal your secrets, why do you teach?
Why shouldn’t a sculptor show someone how to use a hammer and chisel? That doesn’t hurt the sculptor. He might even learn something about his craft himself. It’s the same with writing. It takes absolutely nothing away from me if I can help others, show and explain the tools. On the contrary, I find it super enriching and it inspires me to write again and again.
What advice do you have for up-and-coming authors?
If you write, regardless of whether you’re doing it professionally or just for yourself, there will be times when writing is really difficult. There is a lot of resistance from all sides. And my tip would be not to forget why you want to write the material. So, what was it about the material that really appealed to you? Why did you want to do it in the first place? Take a step back and ask: “Okay, what was the fun factor in it?” Follow the fun!
What is your favorite place to write?
I think I am perhaps more pain-free than some others. I can write in many different places. I can also write on the train, I can write somewhere where I have a table and can put my laptop on it. I like writing routines and cultivate them. In this respect, my favorite place to write is actually my desk, as boring as that sounds. But sometimes I can’t stand it there any longer and sit down somewhere in the sun.